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1 Dwalin: Ookay, are we agreed thu ghuist said either left or right? {translation: Okay, are we agreed the ghost said either left or right?}
1 Mordekai: Yeees.
1 Lambert: Yes.
2 Dwalin: Soo if we goo left, or right, there's a 50% chance we'll find thu cirrect way, and a 50% chance we'll most likely die horribly. {translation: So if we go left, or right, there's a 50% chance we'll find the correct way, and a 50% chance we'll most likely die horribly.}
3 Lambert: Or we could split up!
4 Dwalin: And have a 100% chance of 50% of us dyin' horribly? {translation: And have a 100% chance of 50% of us dying horribly?}
4 Lambert: Yeah!
4 Mordekai: Much better odds.
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Seriously, splitting up seems to solve nearly any dilemma a group of fictional characters can possibly find themselves in.
Try it next time you're with a group of people and facing a dangerous situation in real life!
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