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1 Paris: Even if this were in any way legal, safe, or otherwise advisable, how are we going to hack the nanogoo?
2 Serron: I have the Xbox 360 port of the classic 1982 Bally Midway arcade game Tron.
2 Paris: I’m sorry I asked already...
3 Serron: We enter the cyberspace of Tron and play the subgames that allow us to infiltrate and neutralise the system locks on this cyberspace.
4 Serron: Then we have root access to the Master Control Program and can do anything.
4 Iki Piki: That’s actually cooler than I thought.
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Tron was one of the coolest movies of the 1980s for a kid growing up in the era of classic arcade video games.
To save you a click and TL;DR: The movie stars Jeff Bridges as a video game programmer, now running an arcade, who discovers his former employer is stealing his video game designs. He hacks into the company's system and is digitised into a cyberspace populated by anthropomorphic "programs". A Master Control Program that controls all of the company's systems has developed sentience and an evil grasp for access to other programs to expand its power. Bridges joins forces with "Tron", a program made by a colleague, and they defeat the MCP, which unlocks evidence of the company's misdeeds. The current CEO is sacked and Bridges hired to replace him.
It's an awesome movie for the cyberspace scenes.
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