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<   No. 494   2004-06-03   >

Comic #494

1 Jar Jar: So Ani hassa become Darth Vader, Amidala issa dead after having twins, and Yoda issa gone into exile on Dagobah.
2 Jar Jar: Issa there anything else-a we be needing to know, Master Obi-Wan, muy muy?
3 Obi-Wan: Well, I'd just like to take this opportunity to say that the guy who does Irregular Webcomic! sucks.
4 {scene change: George Lucas pointing at Me}
4 George Lucas: Ha! Take that!

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Oh, come on George. You have the entirety of Industrial Light and Magic and a $200 million budget at your disposal, and that's the best you can do?

Bah. Amateur.

2013-05-28 Rerun commentary: It was very kind of George Lucas to agree to appear in this comic.

Or it would have been if I'd bothered to ask him, and he'd said yes.

I like to think that George is actually sitting at home on Skywalker Ranch, checking out the Internet and reading my comics and getting a good laugh out of them. If you are, George, you needn't bother calling me to let me know. That would just freak me out.

(Now I can use the fact that George Lucas has never called me to let me know he enjoys my comics as evidence that he is in fact reading them.)

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Last Modified: Tuesday, 28 May 2013; 03:11:01 PST.
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