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1 Ophelia: How about instead we work on a film version of Lord of the Rings?
2 Mercutio: That would be great, but the Tolkien Estate owns the rights to that.
3 Ophelia: But we know that Will actually rewrote Tolkien's rough draft.
4 Mercutio: Yes, but who would ever believe us if we said The Lord of the Rings was actually written some unknown writer named Will Shakespeare?
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I originally had the idea to do something like this:
1 Ophelia: How about instead we work on a film version of New Atlantis?There were several problems with this, however. Firstly, it's a bit unscrupulous for Ophelia. And secondly, the works of Francis Bacon (including New Atlantis) are well out of copyright and in the public domain, so there'd be no need to mess about with the authorship claims. So, alas, my plans to see a Wikipedia page on Shakespearean theory of Bacon authorship were frustrated.
2 Mercutio: The utopian novel by Francis Bacon?
3 Ophelia: Well, yes, but we claim that Will wrote it.
4 Mercutio: Who would ever believe us if we said the works of Francis Bacon were actually written by Will Shakespeare?
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