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<   No. 2596   2010-03-06   >

Comic #2596

1 Lambert: It's lucky for you other races that my people are prone to misadventures such as this.
1 Mordekai: Oh? Why is that?
2 Lambert: We breed quickly. Our small body size means that females can give birth after a very short gestation period.
3 Lambert: We'd quickly out-populate you if not for our tendency to get into various predicaments that keep the numbers down.
4 Mordekai: How long is this gestation period?
4 Lambert: It takes just eight weeks to form a new hobbit.

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That is a rather short gestation period for a humanoid being.

I always get confused when people refer to human pregnancies in terms of weeks. I have no idea how many weeks is a normal pregnancy. I know it's about nine months, but I actually have to do the arithmetic to figure out how much that is in weeks. Despite having done the calculation mentally several times when people have talked to me about someone being 37 weeks pregnant or whatever, I never remember the resulting number.

Thankfully I'm not an obstetrician or anything, and nothing serious ever rides on my inability to instantly recall this fact. So it's not a fetal mistake.

2024-06-09 Rerun commentary: It could also have been a natal mistake.

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