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<   No. 2403   2009-08-25   >

Comic #2403

1 Dwalin: We cannae go north. That's thu land o' thu ice giants. {translation: We can't go north. That's the land of the ice giants.}
2 Mordekai: We can't go south. That's the realm of The Necromancer.
3 Alvissa: But we have to get east across these mountains into the Swamp of Terror!
4 Lambert: Would now be a bad time to bring up the idea of west?

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It's a tough choice. You don't want to mess with ice giants. It may not be canonical in any real sense, but I always get the feeling that ice giants would be nastier than any other type of giants.

2023-02-12 Rerun commentary: A bit of searching shows me that this is the only time that either the ice giants or The Necromancer are mentioned.

One day, both of these are going to be revealed as super important to the ongoing plot.[1] This is some seriously slick worldbuilding background stuff.

[1] Or maybe not.

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