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1 {scene: A hospital room. Shakespeare lies in the bed.}
1 Ophelia: {entering the room} Will!
1 Shakespeare: Ophelia! Mercutio!
2 Ophelia: How do you feel?
3 Shakespeare: Oh, okay, I guess. But they haven't told me any outside news. There are important things I need to know!
3 Ophelia: Like what?
4 Shakespeare: Has J.K. Rowling agreed to do another Harry Potter book yet?!
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I don't remember this at all, but I am assured by my wife that it is true:
I was admitted to hospital back in 2001 with a serious infection (Methiciliin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). For various reasons, I was quite delirious by the time we got to the hospital. I collapsed and threw up on the steps outside the front door. I was in the intensive care ward overnight. I don't really remember much of the next 48 hours at all.
Some time after I'd recovered, my wife asked me if I remembered the first thing I said to her when she visited the day after I was admitted. I didn't, and I still don't recall. Apparently the first thing I said was:
Make sure you tape X-Files for me.
As it happened, just 29 days after the publication of this strip, J. K. Rowling announced that she would be publishing The Tales of Beedle the Bard, a children's story book based on the fictional book of the same name which features as a plot element in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. So although not a full novel, Will's wish would soon be realised in as much as The Tales of Beedle the Bard is a book set in the Harry Potter universe.
As for me - spoiler - I survived my hospitalisation, although I was in hospital for almost a month. My wife ensured that a friend of mine taped all of the then-screening original run of season 8 of The X-Files for me. I kept those tapes for several years, until the DVD boxed set came out and I upgraded to those.
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