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<   No. 1417   2006-12-13   >

Comic #1417

1 Monty: So what happened after you and Erwin jumped from the zeppelin?
2 Ginny: We didn't find the orichalcum - it's as good as lost. We wandered the back woods of Poland for a week.
3 Ginny: It got cold at night. We had to huddle together for warmth.
3 Monty: Eurgh!
4 Prof. Jones: {leering from the back seat} Go on...
4 Monty: Dad!

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I'm not quite sure where a week of time managed to be squeezed in somewhere between the Joneses being taken to Berlin and the firing squad attempt, but it must have happened somewhere.

2016-07-23 Rerun commentary: Because of course Poland has "back woods". They're just out the back of Warsaw.

[ten minutes of Google searching later]

Indeed, TripAdvisor mentions some here. And Zielonka is indeed just outside Warsaw!

Also, apparently "backwoods" is one word! Who knew?

EDIT: A Polish reader points out that the Zielonka where the back woods are located is actually Zielonka in Poznań County, not the Zielonka in Masovian County (or Voivodeship, the Polish word for "county"). So they're not actually all that close to Warsaw, but rather near Poznań instead.

Oh well, the point still stands that Poland has back woods.

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