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<   No. 1390   2006-11-16   >

Comic #1390

1 Lambert: {in total darkness} So, the GM stuck me in the bedroom while he talks to the other players without me knowing what's happening.
2 Lambert: I guess they survived the fireball and this represents some sort of Limbo, then. Ah, splitting up the party, gotta love it.
3 {silent, totally black panel}
4 Lambert: At least he could have turned the light on.

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At first I worried that some people might not remember that it's Lambert stuck in the dark here. And with no visual cues whatsoever it could be somewhat confusing.

But hey, I figure you're intelligent enough to cope. Or at least pretend that you know what's going on here.

2016-06-15 Rerun commentary: This is a slightly odd strip, in that it brings the roleplaying game conceit to the fore more than pretty much any other strip. It invites us to imagine much more forcefully than ever before that this is a player, roleplaying the game character of Lambert, rather than just a fantasy comic strip character named Lambert. Conveniently, there is no light, so we can't see this allusive* (and elusive*) player.

I wouldn't make this strip today, having shifted direction away from highlighting the Fantasy theme as a roleplaying game, but clearly I made it back then.

* They're both real words, and both appropriate in this context. Pun factor ten, Mr Sulu!

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