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<   No. 1367   2006-10-24   >

Comic #1367

1 {scene: The Infinite Featureless Plane of Death}
1 Lambert: What happened?
3 Lambert: Hmmm. Well, it was bound to happen. Can't complain, I guess. Where are the others?
4 Death of Insanely Overpowered Fireballs: THEY SURVIVED.
4 Lambert: Oh now that's unfair!

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Yes folks, he's back. We haven't seen Insanely Overpowered Fireballs since he got shafted by Choking on a Giant Frog with the Romans.

Where else would you see a sentence like that last one?

2016-05-14 Rerun commentary: Looking back on this one, I really like the simple acceptance of the inevitable displayed by Lambert in panel 3.

Behind the scenes production note: The dark shadow on Fireballs in panel 3 is probably the shadow of the camera, or my hand holding the camera. The main light source is off to the right, so the shadow of the camera falls to the left, and can sometimes hit objects in the scene if they're very close.

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Last Modified: Saturday, 14 May 2016; 03:11:08 PST.
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