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<   No. 967   2005-09-19   >

Comic #967

1 Marlowe: {approaching Will's desk} Shakespeare, office B down on level 2 has become free. You're next in line.
2 Shakespeare: Thanks, Mr Marlowe, but isn't that the one near the photocopier? That's always really noisy?
3 Marlowe: Look, do you want it or not?
4 [caption]: This punchline blocked by PunGuard 2.1. Your best protection against hackneyed wordplay. Now with ClichéStopper.

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Yeah, it was an obvious punchline. Gimme a break, it's hard writing original stuff every day. At least there isn't some sort of automatic bad pun detector software that can censor my jokes.

Well, okay, it's obvious if you are familiar with the famous soliloquy from Hamlet, and figure out that office B on level 2 is office "2B". That should be enough hints for anyone. :-)
2014-12-01 Rerun commentary: When this comic originally ran, it didn't have the second part of the annotation above, and I got several people writing to ask what this "obvious" punchline was, so I had to provide a hint.

I'm not sure why - it's right there in the comic, in the dialogue of the last panel.

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