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<   No. 906   2005-07-20   >

Comic #906

1 Prof. Jones: Здравствуй!, мой русский друг! Any chance last night's train to Moscow has been delayed somewhere?
2 Ticket Seller: Russian trains always run on time!
3 Minnesota Jones: Yes, yes, very loyal. What if I give you this new pair of tennis shoes?
4 Ticket Seller: Is stuck in Kiev!

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Since I know everyone is going to ask me for a translation, what Professor Jones is saying there is

Zdrastvui!, moy Russkiy drug!
And in case it's not obvious, the shoes are in a shoe box.
2014-09-20 Rerun commentary: This strip was deliberately channeling the Russian embassy official in Istanbul in the scene of From Russia With Love in which James Bond is pretending to apply for a visa. Bond has arranged for a tear gas bomb to go off in the embassy to create a distraction and allow him to sneak through security and snatch the (apparently) defecting Tatiana Romanova from her office. The bomb is timed to go off at the hour, and Bond checks the clock on the wall, which already indicates the designated time has arrived, without the bomb going off:
James Bond: Your clock, is it correct?
Russian Clerk: Always.
James Bond: But of course.
[he walks away, checks his watch, then comes back]
James Bond: Excuse me, you did say your clock was correct?
Russian Clerk: Russian clocks are always...
[the hidden tear-gas bomb explodes]

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Last Modified: Saturday, 20 September 2014; 03:08:21 PST.
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