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<   No. 864   2005-06-08   >

Comic #864

1 Lambert: {calling out to the man poling the barge along the river} Hail, bargemaster! We seek passage upriver.
2 Bargemaster: What do you offer in return?
3 Kyros: We won't fry you and your barge to a crisp.
3 Alvissa: Kyros!!
4 Kyros: Didn't you say we needed to negotiate?

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Barges are low, flat boats used for shipping goods along rivers and canals. They are usually propelled either by being towed by rope from the bank (often by beasts of burden such as mules or oxen), or by people on the barge using a pole to push off the bottom of the river. This one seems to be the pole-driven variety.

2014-08-02 Rerun commentary: To be fair, barges are not usually quite that flat. What we're seeing here should probably more accurately be described as a raft. A raft is just a flat platform floating on the water, whereas a barge has an actual hull, albeit low and flat.

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Last Modified: Saturday, 2 August 2014; 03:08:48 PST.
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