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<   No. 50   2003-03-11   >

Comic #50

1 Mordekai: I notice you often smoke pipeweed, Lambert.
1 Lambert: Yes.
2 Mordekai: Why is that?
2 Lambert: Well...
3 Lambert: Females of my race are often attracted to males who smoke, to marry and start families with.
4 Mordekai: Ah, so it's hobbit-forming.

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2011-12-27 Rerun commentary: In hindsight, knowing what was to transpire over the next 3148 comic strips, this is a major milestone strip. Not for the fact that it's strip #50, but for the fact that it marks the first hobbit pun. Regular readers will know what I'm talking about. Anyone who doesn't... well, stay tuned. You have a lot to look forward to.

Oooh, there's a cart in the background of this strip! I don't know how many readers ever knew it, but the background for this group of adventurers is that they travel together as part of a merchant caravan, led by Lambert, who is actually an itinerant trader.

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Last Modified: Wednesday, 18 January 2012; 23:26:43 PST.
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