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<   No. 3707   2017-08-07   >

Comic #3707

1 Terry: So the shrink ray only shrinks the standard three spatial dimensions? What's the problem?
2 Simon: Cthulhu is not a three-dimensional entity.
3 Simon: The Cthulhu we see is merely the projection into our reality of a multi-dimensional abhorrence that Man Was Not Meant To Know.
4 Jane Goodall: Oh dear.
4 Cthulhu: {shrunk to microscopic size} Hello? I'm right here, you know.

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The real life Dr Simon Beard (on whom this character is based) did warn me about pursuing a storyline in which Cthulhu was shrunk by the shrink ray. But I recklessly ploughed ahead and did it anyway.

What will the consequences be?! Who can say?! Will there be leakage into our own reality??!!

Keep an eye out for anything anomalous in your area...

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