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<   No. 337   2003-12-28   >

Comic #337

1 Nigerian Finance Minister: And this is our Finance Department.
1 Nigerian Finance Bureaucrat 1: Have you seen this? He claims a dozen chimps as dependents!
2 Nigerian Finance Bureaucrat 2: Look here. Fifty pairs of khaki safari shorts and laundry bills to remove mud from them all!
3 Nigerian Finance Bureaucrat 1: And a $20,000 claim for "assorted crocodile-related expenses." We'll have to have a word when he comes back to Nigeria.
4 Nigerian Finance Minister: Of course, we won't get much done until everyone quits talking about The Return of the King.

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This idea was suggested by Steve Jackson. Yes, that Steve Jackson. He explains that the joke came to him, but he wasn't sure how to set it up - and then he realised that I already had an established character with a king...

2012-11-26 Rerun commentary: To make sense of this, you have to remember that this comic was first published just a few days after the Peter Jackson film of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King was released. It was all the rage at the time.

This is an unusual strip in that it shows office cubicles that aren't where Will and Ophelia work.

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Last Modified: Monday, 26 November 2012; 02:11:01 PST.
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