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1 Erwin: {returning to the cell} I must inform you die good Herr Kolonel und die evil Herr Kolonel fought to der death over that Spear.
2 Monty: And???
2 Erwin: Die news is not so good for you, I'm afraid.
3 Prof. Jones: You mean...?
3 Erwin: Ja.
4 Erwin: Die only dead Nazi is a good Nazi.
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This punchline has been sitting in my ideas file for ages, awaiting the right chance to use it. Thanks to zem.
Opening it now, it still contains almost 15,000 words of ideas that I never got to use in the comic. Over the course of the past 9 and a bit years, it has only ever really grown in size, despite me deleting stuff from it once it's used.
One day I may revisit it. Heck, why not now? Here's a raw gag fragment, to give you a taste of what sort of thing lurks in the file. I chose sort of randomly, from the Cliffhangers section, since today's rerun is from that theme.
Haken: We are using now a V-Boat! It is one better than a U-Boat!I have no doubt that I could have turned that into a line in a suitable comic at some point, even if I had to write a 50-strip storyline around it just to get the right context of the Nazis needing to use a submarine to get somewhere. Probably Atlantis, I guess. That was why the ideas file only ever grew in size - every line in it required several comics to realise.
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