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1 Ishmael: Enough distractions! Now, where's that asteroid we need to destroy?
2 Loren: You're too late. It's gone past us. You've missed your chance to save the Earth.
3 Loren: The asteroid will hit in three days. We don't have the speed to stop it.
4 Ishmael: There must be something we can do!
4 Loren: I have popcorn.
5 {scene change: 1930s Berlin}
5 [caption]: Meanwhile, 2 years into the future of a story that occurs about 70 years earlier:
5 Hitler's Brain Clones: At last, die moment has arrived! Activate die time machine!
6 Erwin: I do not think that is a wise idea, mein Führers. Travel to die past could tear apart die very fabric of die universe.
7 Hitler's Brain Clones: Nazi science sneers at temporal paradoxes, Herr Kolonel Erwin! Throw die switch!
8 Erwin: Jawohl! {throws switch}
8 [sound]: click
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I don't like popcorn.
It's bland and boring, with a texture like styrofoam with annoying crunchy bits that get stuck between your teeth. As far as I can tell, it's really only there to serve as a base to add flavouring to. For that purpose, give me potato chips any day. Yeah, they're crunchier and not so suitable for eating during movies, but then I don't want to eat while I'm watching a movie anyway.
I guess at least I can be grateful that people who do eat during movies generally aren't crunching on chips.
You can't get microwave popcorn with no added flavouring. (At least not in my supermarket.)
So I have to buy the old fashioned sort that you need to pop in a saucepan with oil. The first few times I tried it, I figured "How hard can it be?" I ended up making smoke and burning half the kernels and half of them didn't pop properly...
The Internet came to my rescue! I searched for tips on making popcorn and found a method that works beautifully. To save you the suspense:
Or, if you're me, don't enjoy, but bask in the glow of a job well done.
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