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1 Terry: Tashkent air traffic control? This is Highland Airlines flight HL16. We have an emergency situation and need landing clearance.
2 Tashkent Air Traffic Control: {over radio} Sorry HL 16. We have a hot air balloon...
3 Terry: Don't tell me. It's been taken over by a troop of baboons.
4 Tashkent Air Traffic Control: How did you know?!
4 Terry: I'm familiar with aviation emergencies.
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What a cool sounding word.
If you like cricket (heck, even if you don't), I highly recommend The Duckworth Lewis Method's original 2009 eponymous concept album, as well as their 2013 follow up, titled Sticky Wickets. Both are available on iTunes.
Oddly enough, by a bizarre coincidence, it turns out that I wrote some of the lyrics of one of the songs on Sticky Wickets, in the track titled "Line and Length". They took some of the lyrics of that song from Wikipedia's page defining the cricket terms line and length.
The lyrics in question are:
The line of a delivery is the direction of its trajectory measured in the horizontal axis.As can be seen by the Wikipedia edit history, I indeed wrote those lines.
The length of a delivery is how far down the pitch towards the batsman the ball bounces.
Anyway, back to baboons. To hear the immortal lyrics "Baboon, baboon, baboon", check out this fan video of the song "Jiggery Pokery". Given that the song and album were released in 2009, two years after this comic, you could argue that I wrote some lyrics of two of The Duckworth Lewis Method's songs.
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