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<   No. 1673   2007-08-26   >

Comic #1673

1 Minnesota Jones: Careful, there'll be more traps.
1 Monty: How do you know?
2 Minnesota Jones: Traps always come in threes. Don't you know the first thing about archaeology, boy?
3 Minnesota Jones: There, what did I tell you? Careful not to step on that rake! {pointing at a rake lying on the floor}
4 Monty: {walking on past the rake} That's a trap?
4 Minnesota Jones: I never said they had to be good traps.
4 [sound]: Spang! {Prof. Jones steps on the rake and the handle flies up and hits him in the face.}

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Yeah, it's a Lego broom, not a rake. But close enough. I bet some of you didn't even realise until you read this.

2018-01-21 Rerun commentary: I've never used a rake. I don't think I've ever seen anyone use a rake, either. I don't think they're very common here in Australia, probably because we don't have many deciduous trees[1], and so dead leaves don't really tend to pile up in autumn.

[1] Australia has no native deciduous trees at all. All deciduous trees here were originally imported from other continents. London plane trees seem to be the most common, at least around where I live. Jacarandas, magnolias, and liquidambars are also common.

Notice that these are all trees suitable for warm climates. I know a place where there are two oak trees, in a sheltered shady creek gully near my place, but oak trees are very rare in Sydney. (They grow better up in the mountains west of the city.) There are no beech trees that I know of in Sydney. And elms... actually, I don't think I even know what an elm tree looks like.

EDIT: Ever informed, one of our readership has pointed out that Australia does in fact have a few - a very few - deciduous trees, as defined by shedding all their leaves in response to changing seasonal weather. Most of them live in tropical regions, where they shed leaves as a prelude to the dry season, rather than as a strategy to deal with a cold winter. Depending on your person feelings on deciduousness, this may or may not count, though according to the botanical definition, it's valid. There is only one species of tree native to Australia that sheds leaves in preparation for winter cold: the deciduous beech tree, also commonly known as the fagus, which is endemic to highland regions of Tasmania (which is about as cold as you can possibly get in Australia).

Given these interesting facts, it is correct to say that mainland Australia has no native cold climate winter-deciduous trees whatsoever.

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