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1 Lambert: We need to go back and find Alvissa.
2 Mordekai: But we're making real progress on the quest! Why go back?!
3 Lambert: It's good roleplaying! What do you think the GM would rather see? Roleplaying or progress?
4 GM: It's not a dichotomy!!
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No, in a dichotomy, you either get one or the other. So you at least get one of them.
A dichotomy, by the way, is strictly defined as a partition of things into two sets which are (a) mutually exclusive, and (b) between them include everything under consideration. So in a dichotomy, everything is either A or B - nothing is neither A nor B, and nothing is both A and B.
So if everyone on the plane has fish or chicken, then that's a dichotomy, but if someone has the lasagne, or if someone in first class decides to have fish and chicken, then it's not a dichotomy.
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