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<   No. 1591   2007-06-05   >

Comic #1591

1 Minnesota Jones: Actually, I saved some leftovers from the restaurant. {produces a bag}
2 Minnesota Jones: We can use them to distract the rottweilers.
3 Prof. Jones: You can't do that! That's just wrong!
3 Minnesota Jones: What?
4 Prof. Jones: Giving a doggie bag to dogs!

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I was astonished, nay, shocked to discover that (when I wrote this strip) Wikipedia had no article at all about leftovers, and what little there was about doggie bags was tacked carelessly on to the end of the article on take-out.

Unable to restrain myself, I drafted an initial stab at an article about leftovers.

2017-07-15 Rerun commentary: As befits the topic, the Wikipedia page for Leftovers that I created all those years ago has transmuted into a random mish-mash of bits and pieces about leftover food.

One interesting thing I've noticed about getting leftover restaurant food packed to take home is that here in Australia the restaurant will take your unfinished dishes away from the table, pack the food into containers for you, and bring it back packed and ready to carry home. So I've been rather surprised on a couple of occasions when visiting a restaurant in the USA with some friends that when it came time to pack the leftover food, the restaurant staff brought empty containers to the table and expected us to pack them ourselves - which my American friends didn't think was at all unusual. (I don't know if this is the case everywhere in the US.)

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