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<   No. 1482   2007-02-16   >

Comic #1482

1 {scene: Port Royal, Jamiaca}
1 Governor: Captain Ponsonby, lead the fleet after the pirates! We must have that map back!
2 Ponsonby: Map back? Isn't it more important to get the map front?
3 {beat}
4 Governor: And you wonder why you got this dead-end post at the far end of the Caribbean...

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New character! This is the first time we've met Captain Ponsonby.

2016-11-05 Rerun commentary: Presumably you might be able to separate a map into a front and back by very carefully peeling the parchment or whatever it's drawn on into two really thin layers.

If Port Royal is the far end of the Caribbean, that probably implies that the Lesser Antilles are the "near end" of the Caribbean, being at the other end from Jamaica. Which kind of makes sense, if you're using Europe as your measuring point. The Lesser Antilles are closer to Europe, while Jamaica is further away.

There's probably a joke in here somewhere along the lines of: "If there's a bright centre to the world, you're on the island that it's farthest from."

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