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<   No. 1413   2006-12-09   >

Comic #1413

1 {scene: The Legacy bridge, after it has landed at an open-air landing pad on Bune, showing a coast in the background.}
1 Serron: I think we should discuss the arrangements for splitting the profits from this trip, given our unusual circumstances.
2 Iki Piki: This should all have been settled ages ago. I see no need to revisit it now.
3 Spanners: Actually, he does have a point.
3 Iki Piki: Oh?
4 Spanners: We've never actually made a profit before.

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I wanted to give the impression here that unlike their previous port of call, the landing pad here on Bune was out in the open air. And that Bune, being a mostly water-covered planet, would have its main spaceport within spitting distance of the sea.

2016-07-18 Rerun commentary: This is because pretty much everything on Bune is within spitting distance of the sea.

It reminds me of an old story about the size of a small Caribbean island. Being in the British West Indies, the inhabitants naturally play cricket, and so have a cricket field on their island. Cricket fields have two "ends", at opposite ends of the field, which are named as reference points to use when describing the play of the game. Often the ends are named after local landmarks near the cricket field.

For example, the ends of the Sydney Cricket Ground (near where I live) are named the Paddington End and the Randwick End, after the suburbs of Paddington (north of the ground) and Randwick (south of the ground). The ends of Trent Bridge cricket ground in Nottingham, England, are named the Pavilion End (for the old spectator pavilion at the south end of the ground) and the Radcliffe Road End (for the road which passes the north end of the ground).

Anyway, this cricket ground on this Caribbean island also has named ends: the Caribbean Sea End and the Atlantic Ocean End.

Speaking of sports, here's a good sports trivia question: What is the oldest currently operating stadium to have hosted a Major League Baseball game?

The answer is: the Sydney Cricket Ground. It hosted the 2014 opening series between the Los Angeles Dodgers and Arizona Diamondbacks (the first game of which I attended), and has been in continuous use as a sports field since 1848.

Try this as a trivia question in an American bar full of sports fans. For a bet, if you dare. You're welcome.

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Last Modified: Monday, 18 July 2016; 03:11:03 PST.
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