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1 Ophelia: Mercutio, if you wanted to cancel a US government initiative, how would you do it?
2 Mercutio: Easy. Use wireless eavesdropping to hack into an anonymous packet rerouter, preferably in Russia, via a Trojan back door on a cracked spam server...
3 Mercutio: ... and set up a silent keylogger worm that reports back via whitespace steganography in outgoing email BCCed to a remailer to get a government system password...
4 Mercutio: ... then use that to log on and just edit the files.
4 Ophelia: Right. How would a normal person do it?
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Yes folks, Irregular Webcomic! contains detailed instructions on how to subvert the US government.
If I vanish in the next week, you'll know what happened.
Perhaps the fact this is so obviously fake to anyone who actually knows about this stuff is the reason why I haven't vanished.
Or maybe I have vanished - and been replaced by a less dangerous-to-international-security person who merely resembles me, in order to deflect attention from the fact.
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