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Poll Results

All Previous Polls: 701-750

Poll 701: Would you invite an exact copy of yourself to a party you were throwing? Would you accept?

Total votes: 836

I'd invite myself, and I'd accept! It'd be fun!: 406 (48.6%)
I wouldn't invite myself, and I wouldn't care - I'd go do something else instead!: 214 (25.6%)  
I'd invite myself out of politeness, but I wouldn't accept (it'd be awkward): 169 (20.2%)
I wouldn't invite myself (it'd be weird), but I'd be upset not to be invited: 47 (5.6%)

Poll 702: How adventurous are you with food?

Total votes: 770

I'll try new things when they look appetising, but not if it's weird: 238 (30.9%)  
I mostly stick with what I know, but try new things occasionally: 230 (29.9%)
I love trying new food! Will try most things, but I have limits.: 141 (18.3%)
I'm adventurous, I actively seek out new flavours and experiences: 69 (9.0%)
I always stick with meals I know and like: 44 (5.7%)
I stick with food made with familiar ingredients: 24 (3.1%)
I'll try ANYTHING! Bugs, eyeballs, you name it!: 24 (3.1%)

Poll 703: How often do you clean the crumbs out of your toaster?

Total votes: 900

I don't have a toaster: 211 (23.4%)
Wait, that's a thing people do?: 195 (21.7%)
Once or twice a year: 169 (18.8%)
Every few months: 112 (12.4%)
Every 2 or 3 years: 93 (10.3%)
Monthly: 56 (6.2%)
When the toaster catches fire: 38 (4.2%)
I just buy a new toaster every so often: 16 (1.8%)  
Weekly: 10 (1.1%)

Poll 704: Do you listen to the radio?

Total votes: 1025

I only listen to the radio in the car: 404 (39.4%)
I listen to the radio in places other than the car: 319 (31.1%)  
I own a radio but don't listen to it: 159 (15.5%)
I don't own a radio: 143 (14.0%)

Poll 705: When do you take your Christmas decorations down?

Total votes: 708

I don't have any: 191 (27.0%)
December 26 (Boxing Day): 2 (0.3%)
Some time before New Year: 45 (6.4%)
A day or two after New Year: 123 (17.4%)
The traditional end of the season, Twelfth Night (January 5 or 6): 192 (27.1%)  
I usually get round to it some time later in January: 109 (15.4%)
February or later!: 21 (3.0%)
Easter, specifically: 1 (0.1%)
The decorations stay up all year round: 24 (3.4%)

One person wrote in, "Typically sometime around the first weekend after New Year", and another wrote, "The traditional end of the season, Candlemas (February 2)".

I included Easter as an option because that was what my grandparents always did. The Christmas decorations would go up on Christmas Eve, no earlier, and stay up until Easter. They claimed it was traditional and the correct way to do it, and complained loudly that anyone who did differently was doing it wrong. They claimed this was the tradition in Germany, where they came from, however I've never heard of anyone else honouring this "tradition" before. So I have no idea where they really got it from.

Poll Results

Poll 706: Mint:

Total votes: 1312

A legitimate food flavour.: 1028 (78.4%)
Oh god no! Food should NOT taste like toothpaste!: 284 (21.6%)  

Poll 707: Are there any words that you habitually pronounce differently to most people around you?

Total votes: 711

Yes, but mainly because I'm not a native speaker of the local language/dialect: 43 (6.0%)  
No, pretty sure I pronounce everything "properly": 39 (5.5%)
Not that I know of, but it's possible: 226 (31.8%)
Yes, there's this one specific word I pronounce differently: 52 (7.3%)
Yes, there are a few words I can think of: 321 (45.1%)
Yes, lots of words: 30 (4.2%)

There's one word in particular that everyone pronounces differently to me: debauchery. I'd encountered it many times when reading, but the first time I ever heard someone say it I had no idea what the heck word they were trying to say.

They were saying some weird thing like "duh-BAWTCH-ery", when I knew it was actually pronounced "duh-BOUGH-kery".

I have since discovered that apparently everybody except me also pronounces this word wrong!

Poll 708: You're being sent to 1890 London for a five year time mission. You'll have one of the first homes with electric lighting. You need to look after yourself without revealing you're from the future. You can take one of these appliances, which do you choose?

Total votes: 721

Refrigerator: 344 (47.7%)
Washing machine: 121 (16.8%)
CD player + 20 CDs: 56 (7.8%)
Electric hotplate: 50 (6.9%)
Microwave oven: 39 (5.4%)
Electric kettle: 22 (3.1%)
Dishwasher: 18 (2.5%)
Toaster: 17 (2.4%)
Electric clock: 16 (2.2%)
Sandwich press: 13 (1.8%)
Espresso machine: 8 (1.1%)
Electric toothbrush: 7 (1.0%)  
Vacuum cleaner: 7 (1.0%)
Food processor: 3 (0.4%)

Poll 709: On a scale of 0-10 where 0 = "a continuum" and 10 = "strictly binary", where do you place the categorisation "alive/not-alive"?

Total votes: 715

0 - a continuum: 90 (12.6%)
1: 25 (3.5%)
2: 32 (4.5%)
3: 52 (7.3%)
4: 31 (4.3%)
5: 101 (14.1%)
6: 38 (5.3%)
7: 104 (14.5%)
8: 93 (13.0%)
9: 73 (10.2%)
10 - strictly binary: 76 (10.6%)  

Wow. Not only is it difficult to define what "life" is, it's difficult to define whether life/not-life is even a valid thing.

Poll 710: When washing dishes using a cloth/sponge/brush, which hand do you hold the dish in, and which hand do you hold the cloth/sponge/brush in?

Total votes: 816

Dish in left; and I'm right handed: 688 (84.3%)  
Dish in right; and I'm left-handed: 53 (6.5%)
Dish in left; and I'm ambidextrous: 20 (2.5%)
Dish in left; and I'm left handed: 17 (2.1%)
Dish in right; and I'm right-handed: 17 (2.1%)
I never wash dishes, so have no idea: 15 (1.8%)
Dish in right; and I'm ambidextrous: 6 (0.7%)

This poll was inspired by my recent accidental kitchen knife injury to my left hand. I had my hand bandaged up for a couple of weeks, and it made it tricky to do various everyday household tasks. In particular I noticed that when cleaning off dishes I naturally hold the dish in my right hand and the dishcloth in my left, which was not really possible with having to keep my bandage dry, so I was forced to switch hands, and noticed how bizarre and unnatural it felt to hold the dish in my left hand and the cloth in my right.

I asked my friends which way around they hold them, and every single one of them (all right-handed, like me) said they hold the dish in the left hand and the cloth/brush in the right. So I was inspired to put it to a poll.

As the results show, a whopping 90.8% of you hold the cloth/brush in your dominant hand. However I'm in the minority who holds it in the non-dominant hand. Admittedly, although right-handed in all the major ways (writing, throwing, playing sports, brushing teeth, using tools), I seem to do a lot of minor tasks in the same way as most left-handed people. It's a bit weird.

Poll 711: Combination of most delicious food, but most annoying to eat?

Total votes: 1018

Burger too tall to pick up: 283 (27.8%)  
Crab: 158 (15.5%)
Fish with bones in: 114 (11.2%)
Crunchy tacos: 91 (8.9%)
Pistachios (in shell): 85 (8.3%)
Pomegranate (whole): 82 (8.1%)
Ribs: 76 (7.5%)
Chicken wings: 54 (5.3%)
Corn on the cob: 38 (3.7%)
Mangoes: 30 (2.9%)
Xiao long bao: 7 (0.7%)

Poll 712: Is "Amanda" a word (in English)?

Total votes: 503

What? Why are you even asking? Of course not! Who would possibly think it is?: 13 (2.6%)
It's a proper noun, a name, a label, has no semantic meaning, illegal in Scrabble, of course it's not a word: 165 (32.8%)  
Um. Tricky, I can see sensible arguments on both sides: 55 (10.9%)
I refuse to be drawn into what is obviously a bone of contention for some people: 58 (11.5%)
Um. Who the hell cares?: 41 (8.2%)
It's a pronounceable sequence of letters, commonly used in everyday English, of course it's a word: 133 (26.4%)
What? Why are you even asking? Of course! Who would possibly think it isn't?: 38 (7.6%)

This question was inspired by an argument that broke out amongst my circle of friends while playing Scattergories. The category was "Words that start and end with the chosen letter" (and the letter was A). From memory, most of were happy to disqualify "Amanda" as a proper noun, but one person insisted that it shouldn't count because it wasn't a word. I found this an interesting enough assertion that I thought I should put it to the ultimate test: an IWC poll.

Oh, also: "Allosaurus" got a hack-in vote. But I'm sorry to say it doesn't end in A.

Poll 713: How would you feel living in a house where none of the walls meet at 90° angles, rather the walls all meet at either 60° (like an equilateral triangle) or 120° (like a hexagon)?

Total votes: 565

Awesome! I'd love it!: 29 (5.1%)
Interesting, I think I might like it: 126 (22.3%)
A wall's a wall, who cares?: 48 (8.5%)
I could live with it, but only if I had furniture to match the angles: 174 (30.8%)  
That sounds vaguely inconvenient and annoying: 161 (28.5%)
I would never get over how weird that is: 14 (2.5%)
Sounds horrifying, no way!: 13 (2.3%)

Naomi R. wrote to inform me that she has in fact lived in a hexagon-based building, namely Trevelyan College at Durham University. Here's a map of the building, which shows just how wacky and cool it is. Although Naomi did point out that most of the rooms are subdivided from the hexagons using walls at 90° to a straight wall, so there are in fact 90° angles in places. I don note that some of the communal spaces are fully hexagonal, and a few rooms have 60° angles in them, which look awkwardly tight.

I got one hack-in pun-vote for: I would not be All Right with that. And of course an Allosaurus.

Poll 714: How do you prefer your liquorice allsorts?

Total votes: 602

What are liquorice allsorts?: 284 (47.2%)
I don't like liquorice allsorts (surely nobody will pick this!): 171 (28.4%)  
The cylindrical sort with fondant on the outside: 37 (6.1%)
3 layers of fondant and 2 of liquorice: 34 (5.6%)
The cylindrical sort with liquorice on the outside: 27 (4.5%)
2 layers of fondant and 1 of liquorice: 25 (4.2%)
2 layers of fondant and 3 of liquorice: 24 (4.0%)

Liquorice allsorts are these things. A few people wrote to ask why I didn't include the ones covered in little balls - honestly the reason is because those sort are very rare in Australia and I completely forgot that they existed. Even the cylindrical ones are not that common here - we mostly just get the cubes with flat layers of liquorice and fondant.

Liquorice is a very polarising subject. I got one hack-in vote for: "They should be banned".

Poll 715: On a scale of 0-10, how legible is your signature?

Total votes: 507

0 - Doesn't even look like a human made it: 34 (6.7%)  
1: 46 (9.1%)
2: 70 (13.8%)
3: 73 (14.4%)
4: 50 (9.9%)
5: 49 (9.7%)
6: 62 (12.2%)
7: 63 (12.4%)
8: 36 (7.1%)
9: 18 (3.6%)
10 - wins penmanship awards: 6 (1.2%)

According to one hack-in vote: "The Allosaurus".

Poll 716: Carrot cake or carob cake?

Total votes: 617

Carrot cake: 354 (57.4%)
The Allosaurus: 235 (38.1%)  
Carob cake: 28 (4.5%)

Judging from the comments in the forums, a lot of people had no idea what carob even is. I'll let Sandra Boynton explain in this quote from her book Chocolate: The Consuming Passion:

Carob is a brown powder made from the pulverized fruit of a Mediterranean evergreen. Some consider carob an adequate substitute for chocolate because it has some similar nutrients (calcium, phosphorus), and because it can, when combined with vegetable fat and sugar, be made to approximate the colour and consistency of chocolate. Of course, the same arguments can as persuasively be made in favour of dirt.

My idea with the poll was to have a choice between two cakes made with "healthy" ingredients, and the almost homophony of their names was too good to pass up. And I threw in The Allosaurus because what the heck, it's been ages since he was an option in a poll question. It seems he's well and truly more popular than the evil carob.

I think I've also emboldened the hack-in voter brigade, as this time we received votes for:

  • Banana cake - 2 votes
  • Parrot cake - 1 vote
  • ^cake (caret cake) - 1 vote
  • ˇcake (caron cake) - 1 vote
  • Crabcake - 1 vote
  • 🦀cake - 1 vote

Poll 717: Someone asks you the time. Your watch says 10:18. Do you reply:

Total votes: 547

Eighteen past ten (or equivalent): 254 (46.4%)
About twenty past ten (or equivalent): 109 (19.9%)
Twenty past ten (or equivalent): 66 (12.1%)
Nearly twenty past ten (or equivalent): 61 (11.2%)
A quarter past ten (or equivalent): 25 (4.6%)
About a quarter past ten (or equivalent): 25 (4.6%)
Just after quarter past ten (or equivalent): 7 (1.3%)  

Poll 718: We've run it every U.S. election since 2004! Time to vote again!

Total votes: 703

The Allosaurus: 433 (61.6%)  
Joe Biden: 232 (33.0%)
Donald Trump: 38 (5.4%)

The people have spoken! President Allosaurus wins a historic fifth term!

Poll 719: How's the climate where you live?

Total votes: 636

Nice and brisk in winter, too hot in summer: 198 (31.1%)
Too cold in winter, too hot in summer: 132 (20.8%)
Nice and brisk in winter, nice and warm in summer: 132 (20.8%)  
Too cold in winter, nice and warm in summer: 72 (11.3%)
Too warm in winter, too hot in summer: 47 (7.4%)
Too warm in winter, nice and warm in summer: 21 (3.3%)
Too warm in winter, too cool in summer: 13 (2.0%)
Too cold in winter, too cool in summer: 11 (1.7%)
Nice and brisk in winter, too cool in summer: 10 (1.6%)

Poll 720: Your least favourite household chore?

Total votes: 629

Cleaning shower/toilet/bathroom: 203 (32.3%)
Gardening/weeding: 95 (15.1%)
Washing up dishes: 59 (9.4%)
Cleaning floors (vacuuming, mopping): 58 (9.2%)  
Dusting: 56 (8.9%)
Ironing: 55 (8.7%)
Lawn mowing : 33 (5.2%)
Washing windows: 29 (4.6%)
Laundry: 17 (2.7%)
Cooking: 13 (2.1%)
Taking out garbage: 11 (1.7%)

I clean the bathroom weekly and really don't mind it that much. The one I keep putting off all the time is dusting. Yuk.

Poll 721: Favourite green vegetable?

Total votes: 795

Broccoli: 169 (21.3%)
Peas: 128 (16.1%)
Green (bell) pepper / capsicum: 103 (13.0%)  
Asparagus: 68 (8.6%)
Spinach / silverbeet: 66 (8.3%)
Brussels sprouts: 51 (6.4%)
Beans (green string beans): 47 (5.9%)
Bok choy / Asian leafy greens: 39 (4.9%)
Snow peas: 28 (3.5%)
Artichoke: 24 (3.0%)
Cabbage: 24 (3.0%)
Kale: 13 (1.6%)
Zucchini / courgette: 12 (1.5%)
Okra: 9 (1.1%)
Beans (broad / fava): 8 (1.0%)
Broccolini: 6 (0.8%)

No love for broccolini? Wow. I guess it's so similar to broccoli that it might be the second favourite of 20% of people.

Poll 722: Which side is the front of the shower?

Total votes: 1152

The side with the shower head: 560 (48.6%)
The side you enter and exit: 482 (41.8%)
The side opposite the shower head: 105 (9.1%)
The side opposite the one you enter/exit: 5 (0.4%)  

Poll 723: You're making a pizza at home. Where does the cheese go?

Total votes: 1262

On the sauce, under the other toppings: 724 (57.4%)
On top of everything: 443 (35.1%)
On the base, under the sauce and any other toppings: 95 (7.5%)  

There was also one emailed write-in answer for: Cheese goes over meat toppings but under veggie toppings.

This poll was prompted by me making pizza at home one evening, and sharing a photo of the result with friends via online chat. One of them asked me why I put the cheese under the toppings instead of on top. I was flabbergasted and completely lost for words. After a minute of flabbergastation, I could barely enunciate my incredulity:

"Who puts cheese on top of the toppings??? Nobody does that!!!"

My friend defied my certainty in the Universe being a place of Order and the Laws of Physics, and dragged me screaming into the very pits of raw, untempered Chaos:

"I do! In fact... who puts the cheese under the toppings?"

Under this heavy mental assault, I marshalled the forces of logic:

"But... they're called toppings - they go on top. Nobody puts cheese on the top! If you go to a pizza restaurant, the cheese is always underneath the toppings!"

At this point another friend spoke up and supported my last feeble grip on reality:

"He's right. They do put the cheese under the toppings at pizza places..."

But then he continued and my whole world unravelled in a spiralling descent into Madness:

"... but when I make pizza at home, I always put the cheese on top."

A few days later, I pecked out this poll question while resting comfortably in a rubber room and straitjacket. At least now the Internet can prove me right...

Poll 724: Best way to verb “screenshot” in present and past tenses?

Total votes: 711

When I screenshot an image, I end up with an image that I screenshot.: 318 (44.7%)
When I screenshot an image, I end up with an image that I screenshotted.: 223 (31.4%)  
When I screenshoot an image, I end up with an image that I screenshot.: 130 (18.3%)
When I screenshoot an image, I end up with an image that I screenshotted.: 28 (3.9%)
When I screenshot an image, I end up with an image that I screenshooted.: 7 (1.0%)
When I screenshoot an image, I end up with an image that I screenshooted.: 5 (0.7%)

I received a few quite strident write-ins from people saying that "screenshot" shouldn't be used as a verb - the only correct way to say this would be: "When I take a screenshot of an image, I end up with an image that is a screenshot."

Some other people took a different approach and suggested that the past tense should be: "I end up with an image that I screenshat."

Poll 725: It's often said that a dull kitchen knife is more dangerous than a sharp one, because a sharp knife needs less pressure, has more control, etc. However in your own personal experience, and setting aside which you might prefer to use, is this true?

Total votes: 835

Definitely. I've had relatively more accidents with dull knives than sharp ones: 223 (26.7%)
I don't use knives enough to have a personal opinion on this: 186 (22.3%)
Probably. I feel like dull knives have accidentally hurt me more: 115 (13.8%)
Definitely not. I've had relatively more accidents with sharp knives than dull ones: 112 (13.4%)  
Probably not. I feel like sharp knives have accidentally hurt me more: 108 (12.9%)
Unsure. It feels about 50/50 to me: 91 (10.9%)

I've been using kitchen knives regularly for decades. I do virtually all the cooking at home, so I'm chopping stuff on a daily basis. I'm no expert chef, but I reckon I have a reasonably good idea how to handle knives properly. Early in 2020 I was getting frustrated with the current set of knives we had aways being dull and no longer holding an edge properly. My wife and I had had them since we got married. I decided it was time to replace them. I got a decent quality knife set - nothing super high range, but not right near the cheap end either.

I really love the new knives. They handle well, are nicely balanced, and they came super sharp. And I've invested in some proper sharpening tools as well to keep them that way.

BUT... since getting the new knives I've nicked and cut myself while chopping food so many times it's really not funny. Before, with the old dullish knives I'd do it maybe once every few years. But I swear in the past 18 months I've cut myself at least once every month.

And recently I saw on reddit someone asking "Why do people say that sharp knives are safer than dull ones?" It made me realise that just maybe that often-cited aphorism is actually false. I certainly like using sharp knives better than dull ones, they make chopping food so much easier. But obviously in my own anecdotal experience they are anything but safer. Maybe I'm just not used to the balance of the new knives yet? I dunno.

Poll 726: If you met your younger self, how young would they need to be before you didn't recognise them?

Total votes: 670

Newborn: 101 (15.1%)
1 year: 96 (14.3%)
2 years: 87 (13.0%)
3 years: 100 (14.9%)
4-5 years: 105 (15.7%)
6-7 years: 35 (5.2%)
8-9 years: 31 (4.6%)
10-11 years: 35 (5.2%)
12-13 years: 10 (1.5%)
14-15 years: 11 (1.6%)
16-17 years: 9 (1.3%)
18-20 years: 6 (0.9%)
21-24 years: 8 (1.2%)
25-29 years: 4 (0.6%)
30 or more years: 32 (4.8%)  

Poll 727: You're cutting an onion in half. Do you cut it equatorially, or pole to pole?

Total votes: 1311

Pole to pole: 521 (39.7%)
Equatorially: 362 (27.6%)
It depends on other factors: 161 (12.3%)
I never cut onions and have no idea what I'd do: 157 (12.0%)
If using a whole onion, pole to pole first; if using half and saving half for later, equatorially: 65 (5.0%)  
If using a whole onion, equatorially first; if using half and saving half for later, pole to pole: 28 (2.1%)
At a random angle; I love chaos!: 17 (1.3%)

One respondent wrote to say: How would I know? It's not spinning when I cut it. Besides, do you mean magnetic poles or geographic poles?

Poll 728: If you you could only buy chicken whole with feathers on and guts still inside, would you ever cook them yourself?

Total votes: 1035

No, the inconvenience would stop me: 389 (37.6%)
Yes, I wouldn't like the inconvenience, but okay: 281 (27.1%)  
No, the grossness would stop me: 108 (10.4%)
I never cook chicken, so I really don't care: 84 (8.1%)
Yes, it'd be gross, but I'd put up with it: 80 (7.7%)
I never cook chicken, and ewww, gross: 56 (5.4%)
Yes, I'd be fine with it: 37 (3.6%)

Poll 729: Can you whistle?

Total votes: 1371

Yes, well: 549 (40.0%)
Yes, but not well at all: 492 (35.9%)
No, I've tried but I can't: 188 (13.7%)
Sometimes if I try, but not reliably: 136 (9.9%)  
I've never really tried: 6 (0.4%)

Poll 730: What type of wristwatch do you wear?

Total votes: 1596

I use my phone: 677 (42.4%)
Analogue: 492 (30.8%)
Smart: 187 (11.7%)
Digital: 158 (9.9%)
I don't carry any method of telling time: 54 (3.4%)  
I have a pocketwatch: 28 (1.8%)

Poll 731: Do you wash rice before cooking it?

Total votes: 1793

No, are you supposed to?: 447 (24.9%)
Yes, it cooks better that way: 388 (21.6%)
I don't cook rice: 352 (19.6%)
It depends what sort of rice/dish I'm making: 284 (15.8%)
No, I know the reasons for it but choose not to: 101 (5.6%)  
No, I'm too lazy: 97 (5.4%)
Yes! Otherwise it's DIRTY! OMG!: 70 (3.9%)
Yes, I just always have, no idea why: 54 (3.0%)

I was inspired to ask this poll question by finding a recipe that instructed you to wash the rice before cooking it. Now, I've been cooking rice ever since my mother taught me how to do it 40 years ago, and I'd never before heard of washing it before cooking! I did some research and found opinion sharply divided on the Internet, between those saying you have to wash rice otherwise you'll die, those who say you should never wash rice because it ruins the dish you're cooking, and those who say it makes no difference so why bother?

A bit more research indicates that it does depend on what sort of rice you're using and what sort of dish you're cooking. Italians pointed out that risotto just doesn't work if you wash the rice - you wash out all of the essential starches that the dish needs. Whereas for some Asian dishes where you want the rice to separate into nice individual fluffy grains, washing the rice actually assists with making it so the rice doesn't clump.

Poll 732: What's the worst?

Total votes: 1311

Poll 733: Which idiom is most grammatically correct?

Total votes: 1478

Stubbing your toe: 288 (22.0%)
Sunburn: 251 (19.1%)
Calf muscle cramp: 226 (17.2%)
Accidentally biting your tongue: 224 (17.1%)
Stepping on a Lego brick barefoot: 82 (6.3%)
A paper cut: 73 (5.6%)
A hangnail: 70 (5.3%)
Whacking your funny bone: 67 (5.1%)
Taking a bite with WAY too much wasabi: 30 (2.3%)  
I could care less: 1346 (91.1%)  
I could care fewer: 132 (8.9%)

Honestly, I'm much disappointed.

My comics: Irregular Webcomic! | Darths & Droids | Eavesdropper | Planet of Hats | The Dinosaur Whiteboard | mezzacotta
My blogs: (daily updates) | 100 Proofs that the Earth is a Globe (science!) | Carpe DMM (long form posts) | Snot Block & Roll (food reviews)
More comics I host: The Prisoner of Monty Hall | Lightning Made of Owls | Square Root of Minus Garfield | iToons | Comments on a Postcard | Awkward Fumbles
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This work is copyright and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International Licence by David Morgan-Mar.