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1 Paris: Greetings! We come in peace.
2 Alien: {over video} Manotu at Telparta. Manotu by Bakeeno.
3 Iki Piki: “We come in peace?” Seriously?
3 Paris: What do you want me to say?
4 Serron: Yeah, it’s a great fake-out before we see what valuables they have worth stealing.
4 Alien: La deemo ancur tee?
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Presumably the first encounter we have with intelligent aliens is going to end up with us basically walking around pointing at things and saying the words for them, in an effort to communicate and build up some sort of common vocabulary.
That is if they even understand the concept of pointing. It seems to be well accepted that dogs can understand the concept of a human pointing at something, as an indicator that they should focus their attention in the direction being pointed out. But very few, if any, other animals get the idea.
Of course an alien species as intelligent as humans (or more) might be able to work it out by logic, rather than relying on animal instincts or training, so they'd probably have a better chance.
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