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1 Paris: Okay, we've docked with the ominously mysterious alien vessel.
2 Iki Piki: This unidentifiable alien ship of a design that nobody has ever seen before just happens to have a docking connection that's compatible with the one on our ship?
3 {beat}
4 Paris: If it didn't, it would actually be less mysterious.
4 Iki Piki: Point.
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This sort of thing has always bothered me. In fiction, spaceships never seem to have any sort of compatibility problems when docking with other ships or space stations. Ask yourself, what are the odds of a galactic culture coming up with a universal hardware standard for docking space vessels?
Seriously, that's like going into an electronics store and buying a random gadget and then grabbing a random battery from the wall of batteries, and expecting it to fit.
I suppose you could always get one like this. Although I notice that it does not have a 240V AC plug, so it's useless in Australia.
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