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<   No. 1707   2007-09-29   >

Comic #1707

1 {scene: A grimy alley somewhere on the planet Bune. Iki Piki and Serron have climbed out of the garbage skip.}
1 Iki Piki: The splanch is an organ peculiar to my species. There's no artificial version and there's unlikely to be a donor anywhere on this planet.
2 Serron: Wait here! {runs off}
2 Iki Piki: What? Where are you...?
3 {Iki Piki waits for Serron to return.}
4 Serron: {flourishing a box} One splanch!
4 Iki Piki: Where did you get that?!
4 Serron: And a perfect tissue match, guaranteed!

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The background here is a photo of an alley I took in Melbourne. And my wife thought I was crazy for taking photos of a dingy, dirty alley. Now I have a use for them!

2018-04-11 Rerun commentary: I checked Flickr to see if I'd uploaded the original alley photo at any time, and noticed that I hadn't. So now for your edification, I've uploaded the photo, and you can see it here. Yeah, not that exciting, I know. I guess that's why I never uploaded it before now.

I took the photo on 28 October, 2006. Since then, I've only known that I took the photo in central Melbourne somewhere, not the specific location. But believe it or not, within a couple of minutes of looking at it again, I managed to identify the exact location using information in the photo. The blue and white sign about half way up near the right side of the frame is a street sign. At full resolution I could just make out the letters: "Balco" and some other letters that I couldn't identify. A quick peruse of Google Maps in central Melbourne located Balcombe Place (Streeview image). It doesn't seem to have changed much.

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