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1 Dr No: With those radiation suits discarded we can... Where are you going?! Come back and fight like a man, Mr Stud! {Stud runs away up some stairs}
2 Stud: It's an unfair fight! How about you put your metal hands behind your back and promise not to use them?
3 Dr No: And exactly how would that be fair?
4 Stud: It'd be fairer on me!
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I have to confess that I intended to have them retain their radiation suits for the next few strips. Unfortunately, when I went to assemble this strip from the photos I'd taken, I discovered to my horror that I'd taken photos for the next three strips in this theme with the figures sans radiation suits.
And I'd already destroyed the biggest Lego set ever.
I considered ignoring the issue, but I decided it was amusing to have Dr No make a throwaway line about the sudden disappearance of the suits. Rebuiding the set and reshooting three strips worth of photos would not have been amusing.
This is indeed one of the physically largest sets I've ever built for the comic. Especially if you don't count the pirate ship, which wasn't built specifically for the comic. My sets are typically surprisingly small - only barely big enough to fill the photo frame. The main issue is that large sets require a lot of LEGO bricks to build. Since a set is three-dimensional, the number of bricks/components goes up somewhere between the square and the cube of the linear size of the photo, depending how deep it is and if I can shortcut by using an absolutely flat wall as the background or not.
Even with a moderately large collection of bricks like I have, you quickly run out.
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